Carthage has more than 130 student clubs and organizations through which students can get involved, explore possible careers, meet other students, work closely with faculty advisors, and perform customer service. See a full list of Carthage student organizations on The Harbor, our website for student organizations.

Carthage Student Engineers

Carthage Student Engineers is a group of students interested in pursuing a career in engineering. Our meetings are set up to help students set up class schedules, find internships, and discuss topics related to engineering. We also bring in guest speakers, and are planning on starting a group project for our students to work on.

Society of Physics Students 

Do you like physics and astronomy? This is the club for you! The Society of Physics Students aims to get physics students involved on campus and connected with each other. SPS is part of a national chapter and by joining, you are able to sign up for a free membership. SPS National offers opportunities such as scholarships, internships, and fellowships. On campus, SPS is focused on getting students connected with each other via game nights, movie nights, presentations from past and present students, professional development workshops, planetarium shows, and more!


Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

SWE at Carthage adopts the society’s mission to empower women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders; expand the image of the engineering and technology professions as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusion. At Carthage, SWE’s goal is to provide professional development and social events to promote and highlight women in our engineering community.


Women/Non-Binary in STEM

This organization supports women and non-binary students across all STEM-related fields. Meetings typically include guest speakers (usually female faculty within the NSS division), scholarship information, nerdy crafts, and social networking.

See a full list of Carthage student organizations on The Harbor

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