As a residential campus, Carthage expects all undergraduate students enrolled for 12 or more credit hours in a semester to reside in college residential facilities and participate in a full board (meal) plan. This residency requirement applies to all single/unmarried undergraduate students ages 18-22.

Carthage College is committed to making accommodations in our residences for medical or psychological conditions for which a student has been diagnosed by a licensed healthcare provider. Accommodations are made in consultation with Carthage personnel including representatives from the Health and Counseling Center and Learning Accessibility Services. In rare circumstances when the College is unable to make accommodations as determined by these personnel, the student will be granted an exception.

Students may request an automatic exemption from College housing if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • Students choosing to commute from their parents’ or legal guardians’ primary address within 30 driving miles of Carthage College
  • Have lived in Carthage residence halls for four full years (eight semesters, excluding summers)
  • Will be 23 years of age prior to September 1st
  • Legally married or single parent residing with their spouse or children
  • United States military veterans with 18 months or more of active military service
  • You have a medical condition(s) that cannot be accommodated by the College
  • Are a ward of the state

Any student approved for a housing exemption based on criteria #1 above (residing with parents or legal guardians at their primary place of residence) is later found to be residing somewhere else, the College reserves the right to require the student to move back on campus with applicable room and board charges and to refer the student to the student conduct system. Residency Policy Exemption Applications must be completed and approved. Contact the Office of Residential Life at or 262-551-6169, or stop in the Office of Residential Life on the main floor of The Tower to obtain the form.

Exemptions to the residency requirement are not guaranteed and will be examined according to housing capacity needs and documentation provided. All exemptions are made at the sole discretion of the Director of Residential Life. Since the College must meet its financial obligation, first consideration must be given to ensure capacity occupancy in the residence halls. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to deny housing to any applicant. These policies apply to all students including prospective students, new students, and returning students beginning Fall 2022 and moving forward.

  • Students are responsible for adhering to Carthage policies and the terms of the housing contract.
  • Students are responsible for the actions of their guests.
  • Students are responsible for all activities and incidents that occur in their rooms. Disciplinary action will be taken in situations where violations of Carthage policy occur.
  • The College reserves the right to make any change in room or roommate assignments at any time.

See the complete list of policies

The residence halls are available for occupancy for returning students the day before the beginning of classes each term. Undergraduates must check out of their rooms at the end of the academic year no later than twenty-four (24) hours of their last exam. Graduating seniors must be out of their room by 5 p.m. on the day of commencement. Residence halls close for Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break. Students must be out of the halls by 5 p.m. on the last day of classes before the break and may return after noon the day before classes resume. Students remaining on campus for J-Term courses may stay in the residence halls between J-Term and Spring Semester. Students who live off campus during J-Term may return to the residence halls after noon the day before registration for Spring Semester. Students who return to the residence halls prior to the approved early arrival time may be charged a $50 improper check-in fee, plus $25 per night of stay before halls reopen.

In compliance with the Higher Education Re-authorization Act of 2008, the purpose of this policy is to provide the procedures for reporting, investigating, and making emergency notifications regarding any resident students of Carthage College who are believed to be missing.

Any member of the Carthage community, including both employees and students, who is concerned that a member of the Carthage community is missing should contact the Office of Student Life at 262-551-5800 or the Office of Public Safety at 262-551-5911, as soon as it is determined that the individual is missing as defined above.

In emergency situations, the Kenosha Police Department should be contacted immediately by dialing 911 or 262-656-1234.

For purposes of this policy, a student may be considered to be a “missing person” if the person’s absence is contrary to his/her usual pattern of behavior and unusual circumstances may have caused the absence. Such circumstances could include, but not be limited to, a report or suspicion that the missing person may be the victim of foul play, has expressed suicidal thoughts, is drug dependent, is in a life-threatening situation, or has been with persons who may endanger the student’s welfare.

Any report of a missing student will be investigated by appropriate College personnel under the coordination of the Office of Student Life and Office of Public Safety. Further, the College will notify the Kenosha Police Department or other appropriate law enforcement agency no later than 24 hours after the time that such student has been determined to be missing.

Each resident, on or before checking into his/her assigned room has the option of identifying the name and contact number of the individual(s) who are a primary contact to be notified in case of an emergency or in the event that the resident is reported missing. In the event the resident is under the age of 18 and is not emancipated, the College is required to have the primary emergency contact be a custodial parent or guardian. The College will initiate the emergency contact provisions in accordance with each resident’s designation no later than 24 hours after the student has been determined to be missing. missing.

The residence halls are closed during Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break. Students who do not return home must make their own arrangements for housing. If a student does not have anywhere to stay, they must apply to stay on campus via the extended stay form. Students may be required to meet with the Director of Residential Life to discuss housing options during break periods. The Office of Residential Life is not obligated to provide housing to any resident during periods when campus is closed or when a break period is in session.

Read about residence hall procedures

Read about facilities and maintenance